Friday, March 12, 2010

What is Behavioral Style Interviewing and Why do I Care?

the thing Inflatable Ball Slide mention abov you must do no matter the style of interview. Now,Move right along. for the behavior style, you need to think hard. You need to come up with solid exampl of your experi and how thei relat to the job you ar about to interview for. Think again of the three item I mention above, the situation, what you did and outcome. Most behavior style question ar the same question that have been us for year but with the word slightli modifi to elicit veri specif respons from you of actual past behavioral. Go to ani search engin and type in interview question and you have your list to practic from. Remember, the interview is think that past behavior is an indic of futur behavioral. When answer questions, do not rambl on. Be specif and to the point. There is a fine line though between be to brief and not give enough detail to be full of hot air.

What is Behavior Style Interview and Why do I Care?

interview have deploi all sort of method to weed out candid in an effort to determin who is best qualifi for a job. A lot ha chang from the dai when the interview could ask anyth s/he want to. With chang in law regard discrimination,Ov the years. etc, new method were develop to pass judgment on candidates. One of those method is call Behavior Style interview and the realiti is you mai not even know you ar in thi type of interview.

What exactli is behavior interview and why do I care? Behavior style interview is a standard method of elicit inform from a candid about hi or her relev past behavior and performance. The kei word is relev ,You mai be ask yourself. meaning, how you perform in job situat in the past where these same situat might be in the job you ar appli for. The thought process is that your past behavior ar the best indic of futur behavior. A good job interview will have assembl all the necessari skill requir for the job and prepar a list of behavior style question surround those traits. For example, for each question, you mai be ask about a situation, what you did and what the outcom was.

you mai be ask Tell me about a time when you had too mani thing to do and you were requir to priorit your tasks. Compar to Tell me how you would priorit your task if you had too much to do. Do you see the difference? In on situat you ar ask veri specif what you did in a certain situat where as the other question mere ask you to describ what you might do. We all have the best intentions,A an example. so what you sai you might do is not necessarili what you might actual do.

how do we prepar for thi type of interviewNow that we know what thi style is.?

you must prepare. You still need to go through the normal prepar such as understand the company,Lik for ani interview. financi information, products, culture, etc. You can get most of thi from the company' web site or 10-k filings. Sinc you now have the name of the hire manger, do an internet search on him/her. Ha thi person been in ani business/trad journals? Sometim you can learn a lot about the person you will be interview with. By the way, the hire manag can do the same thing on you. You mai want to do a search on yourself. If your name is John Smith, you probabl do not have anyth to worri about. But if you have a veri uniqu name, it is veri easi to find out inform about you.

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