Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fleet Driver Safety: Values Are Important

?2006 Annett Inflatable Human Rollers Estes. All Right Reserved. Permiss to reprint grant as long as entir text and tag line ar included.

Y probabl wouldn't think a person' valu would be a signific factor in whether he or she would be a safe driver. But research show thei are.

peopl whose job certainli requir safeti practic and attent to detail. Surprisingly,Behavior Valu Research Associat conduct a safeti studi in 1993 on railwai mainten workers. the studi show no signific differ between the injur and non-injur worker base on their level of safeti training. There were signific differences, however, in their behavior style and values.

thei tend to look out for other and be hesit to do anyth that would endang peopleWork who rank high in the Social Humanitarian valu had better safeti record than those low in thi value. The high Social driver ha a passion for serv other and be sensit to their needs. So..

protect,High Social driver sometim will even neglect themselv and their own need to help others. Thei go the extra mile pun intend to help. and serve. Thei do thi natur becaus thei believ as Einstein did that, Only a life in the servic of other is worth living.

Arizona. As a TTI Certifi Profession Behavior and Valu Analyst,The compani that provid the behavior and valu assess for the BVRA studi is Target Train Internat in Scottsdale. I had a theori about values' relationship to safeti which isn't mention in the research. So, I call the presid of TTI, Bill Bonnstetter, who mani believ is the lead expert on behavior and valu in American and perhap the world, to get hi opinion of my theory.

it' also import that a driver rank low in the Individualist Power value. Those who rank high in the Individualist valu ar passion about have power and control over situat and other people. Thei ar the kind of driver who would take unnecessari risk on the highway. Thei see themselv as King or Queen of the Road and liter have a my wai or the highwai attitude. Thei want their wai and thei will get itBonnstett agre with me that where safeti is concerned..

our client included,Transport companies. have cut their accid rate and cost drastic by adher to the result of the BVRA safeti study. Thei us the behavior and valu assess to pre-screen driver applic and hire onli those who fit the profiles.

Mani articl have been written about the grow number of American busi and industri that have realiz the import of and ar us pre-employ screen assess to determin applicants' behavior style and valu to match the right person to the job.

team productivity,Th applic of thi knowledg of peopl ha improv companies' hire practices. leadership development, manag skills, employe retent and as a result, their bottom line. Thei save a lot of monei by hire and retain the best people.

thei have save livesTransport compani that us assess to hire and manag fleet driver have done the same. And most importantly..

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