Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Homeopathy as a career

with biologi Commercial Choochoo combo as a subject in the senior secondari education. Full time Graduat and post graduat cours ar avail in more than 100 colleg all over the world. The Bachelor of homeopath medicin and surgery,A student aim to pursu hi medic career in the field of homeopathi need to be a 12th pass out. like all other medic cours is a five and a half year degre course, after which a student aim for Master in Homeopathi need to devot three more year to earn a degre of a qualifi Homeopath.

a popular sai quot by Buddha,Everi human is the author of hi own health or diseas . which is most apt in todai s world. Todai the name and type of diseas have increas immensely; it count is far more than it us to be earlier. Thi is becaus of the chang social cultur and lifestyl of the human beings. There is more of stress, work pressure, famili problems, in the live of people, so thei ar becom prone to diseas due to the chang environments.

more and more peopl ar opt for altern medicines. In fact the interest of medicin students,With the peopl get awar of the side effect of the allopath medicines. toward the altern medicin is also rising. Student ar take keen interest in the vari form of medicin practices, other than allopathy. There ar more than 100 type of altern medicin practiced, most of which ar the tradit method of cure a disease. Studi in the same ar also available, and a larg number of medic student can be seen opt for cours such as Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Physiotherapy, Homeopathy, etc.

though the diseas take time to recover,Homeopathi is on of the most natur wai of cure a disease; it follow the Law of Similar i.e. like cure by like. Homeopathi see diseas as an express of the heal power of the body. Homeopathi is us for cure both chronic and acut stage of disease. but it vanish the root caus of the disease. Other than, elimin the diseas total from the human body, homeopathi also help in reduc the mental and emot stress of the person, make the mind strong and have the power to fight with the disease.

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